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Publications / Li 2006 (Vaccine)



Vaccine. 2006 Nov 17; 24(47-48):6893-904.

PubMed ID: 16890329


Peptide selection for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 CTL-based vaccine evaluation


Li F, Malhotra U, Gilbert PB, Hawkins NR, Duerr AC, McElrath JM, Corey L, Self SG


Dozens of human immunodeficiency virus-type 1 (HIV-1) vaccine candidates specifically designed to elicit cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses have entered the pipeline of clinical trials. Evaluating the immunogenicity and potential efficacy of these HIV-1 vaccine candidates is challenging in the face of the extensive viral genetic diversity of circulating strains. Standardized peptide reagents to define the magnitude and potential breadth of the T-cell response, especially to circulating strains of HIV-1, are needed. For this purpose we developed a biometric approach based on T-cell recognition pattern for defining standardized reagents. Circulating strains in the Los Alamos database were evaluated and standardized algorithms to define all potential T-cell epitopes (PTEs) were generated. While many unique PTEs could be identified, a finite number based upon prevalence of circulating strains in the database, which we define as vaccine-important PTEs (VIPs), were used to select a common standardized panel of HIV-1 peptides for CTL-based vaccine evaluation. The usability of PTE peptide set was manifested by detection of Nef-specific CTL responses in HIV-1 subtype B infections.

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