Vaccine. 2019 Apr 10; 37(16):2258-2267.
PubMed ID: 30890385
Targeting and vaccine durability are key for population-level impact and cost-effectiveness of a pox-protein HIV vaccine regimen in South Africa
Selinger C, Bershteyn A, Dimitrov DT, Adamson BJS, Revill P, Hallett TB, Phillips AN, Bekker LG, Rees H, Gray G
RV144 is to date the only HIV vaccine trial to demonstrate efficacy, albeit rapidly waning over time. The HVTN 702 trial is currently evaluating in South Africa a similar vaccine formulation to that of RV144 for subtype C HIV with additional boosters (pox-protein regimen). Using a detailed stochastic individual-based network model of disease transmission calibrated to the HIV epidemic, we investigate population-level impact and maximum cost of an HIV vaccine to remain cost-effective.
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