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Publications / Van 2018 (Bioinformatics)



Bioinformatics. 2018 Nov 15; 34(22):3951-3953.

PubMed ID: 29868771


ggCyto: Next generation open-source visualization software for cytometry


Van P, Jiang W, Gottardo R, Finak G


Open source software for computational cytometry has gained in popularity over the past few years. Efforts such as FlowCAP, the Lyoplate and Euroflow projects have highlighted the importance of efforts to standardize both experimental and computational aspects of cytometry data analysis. The R/BioConductor platform hosts the largest collection of open source cytometry software covering all aspects of data analysis and providing infrastructure to represent and analyze cytometry data with all relevant experimental, gating and cell population annotations enabling fully reproducible data analysis. Data visualization frameworks to support this infrastructure have lagged behind.

With the publicly available data in the CAVD DataSpace we can Learn about studies, products, assays, antibodies, and publications, Find subjects with common characteristics, Plot assay results across studies and years of research, and Compare monoclonal antibodies and their neutralization curves. Data are also accessible via DataSpaceR, our R API.

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