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Publications / Bekker 2020 (Lancet)



Lancet. 2020 Feb 1; 395(10221):384-388.

PubMed ID: 31806257


The complex challenges of HIV vaccine development require renewed and expanded global commitment


Bekker LG, Tatoud R, Dabis F, Feinberg M, Kaleebu P, Marovich M, Ndung'u T, Russell N, Johnson J, Luba M, Fauci AS, Morris L, Pantaleo G, Buchbinder S, Gray G, Vekemans J, Kim JH, Levy Y, Corey L, Shattock R, Makanga M, Williamson C, Dieffenbach C, Goodenow MM, Shao Y, Staprans S, Warren M, Johnston MI



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