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Publications / Song 2012 (Retrovirology)



Retrovirology. 2012 Oct 30; 9(NA):89.

PubMed ID: 23110705


Impact of immune escape mutations on HIV-1 fitness in the context of the cognate transmitted/founder genome


Song H, Pavlicek JW, Cai F, Bhattacharya T, Li H, Iyer SS, Bar KJ, Decker JM, Goonetilleke N, Liu MK, Berg A, Hora B, Drinker MS, Eudailey J, Pickeral J, Moody MA, Ferrari G, McMichael A, Perelson AS, Shaw GM, Hahn BH, Haynes BF, Gao F


A modest change in HIV-1 fitness can have a significant impact on viral quasispecies evolution and viral pathogenesis, transmission and disease progression. To determine the impact of immune escape mutations selected by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) on viral fitness in the context of the cognate transmitted/founder (T/F) genome, we developed a new competitive fitness assay using molecular clones of T/F genomes lacking exogenous genetic markers and a highly sensitive and precise parallel allele-specific sequencing (PASS) method.

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