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Publications / Korioth-Schmitz 2015 (Vaccine)



Vaccine. 2015 Oct 13; 33(42):5715-22.

PubMed ID: 26192357


Rhesus immune responses to SIV Gag expressed by recombinant BCG vectors are independent from pre-existing mycobacterial immunity


Korioth-Schmitz B, Perley CC, Sixsmith JD, Click EM, Letvin NL, Frothingham R


A recombinant Mycobacterium bovis BCG (rBCG) vector expressing HIV transgenes is an attractive candidate as a dual vaccine against HIV and TB. However, pre-existing immune responses to mycobacteria may influence immune responses to rBCG. We analyzed data from a rhesus rBCG trial to determine the effect of pre-existing mycobacterial immune responses on the vaccine-induced responses to the vector and expressed transgene.

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