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Publications / Bershteyn 2008 (Soft Matter)



Soft Matter. 2008; 4(9):1787-1791.

PubMed ID: 19756178


Polymer-supported lipid shells, onions, and flowers


Bershteyn A, Chaparro J, Yau R, Kim M, Reinherz E, Ferreira-Moita L, Irvine DJ


Phospholipid-enveloped biodegradable polymer microparticles and nanoparticles synthesized by an emulsion/solvent evaporation process were characterized by confocal and cryoelectron microscopies to show that the lipid envelope exhibits two-dimensional fluidity and can be configured into 'shell', 'onion', or 'flower' nanostructures, depending on the quantity and composition of lipids employed in the synthesis.

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