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Publications / O'Brien 2009 (Nat Med)



Nat Med. 2009 Aug; 15(8):873-5.

PubMed ID: 19620961


Adenovirus-specific immunity after immunization with an Ad5 HIV-1 vaccine candidate in humans


O'Brien KL, Liu J, King SL, Sun YH, Schmitz JE, Lifton MA, Hutnick NA, Betts MR, Dubey SA, Goudsmit J, Shiver JW, Robertson MN, Casimiro DR, Barouch DH


The immunologic basis for the potential enhanced HIV-1 acquisition in adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5)-seropositive individuals who received the Merck recombinant Ad5 HIV-1 vaccine in the STEP study remains unclear. Here we show that baseline Ad5-specific neutralizing antibodies are not correlated with Ad5-specific T lymphocyte responses and that Ad5-seropositive subjects do not develop higher vector-specific cellular immune responses as compared with Ad5-seronegative subjects after vaccination. These findings challenge the hypothesis that activated Ad5-specific T lymphocytes were the cause of the potential enhanced HIV-1 susceptibility in the STEP study.

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