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Publications / Biague 2010 (J Infect Dev Ctries)



J Infect Dev Ctries. 2010 Jun 3; 4(5):301-8.

PubMed ID: 20539062


High sexual risk taking and diverging trends of HIV-1 and HIV-2 in the military of Guinea Bissau


Biague A, Mansson F, da Silva Z, Dias F, Nantote Q, Costa J, Andersson S, Naucler A, Biberfeld G, Fenyo EM, Norrgren H


HIV and other sexually transmitted infections are a growing problem in the military personnel of Africa, and information about this problem in Guinea-Bissau is lacking. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence and trends of the HIV epidemics in the military forces of Guinea Bissau and to explore possible risk factors for HIV infection.

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