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Publications / Julg 2011 (J Infect Dis)



J Infect Dis. 2011 Mar 15; 203(6):803-9.

PubMed ID: 21257739


Possession of HLA class II DRB1*1303 associates with reduced viral loads in chronic HIV-1 clade C and B infection


Julg B, Moodley ES, Qi Y, Ramduth D, Reddy S, Mncube Z, Gao X, Goulder PJ, Detels R, Ndung'u T, Walker BD, Carrington M


The HLA class II molecules play a central role in the generation of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-specific CD4(+) T-helper cells, which are critical for the induction of cytotoxic CD8(+) T cell responses. However, little is known about the impact of HLA class II alleles on HIV disease progression.

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