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Publications / Bitto 2015 (Methods Mol Biol)



Methods Mol Biol. 2015; 1331(NA):93-121.

PubMed ID: 26169737


Determination of N-linked glycosylation in viral glycoproteins by negative ion mass spectrometry and ion mobility


Bitto D, Harvey DJ, Halldorsson S, Doores KJ, Pritchard LK, Huiskonen JT, Bowden TA, Crispin M


Glycan analysis of virion-derived glycoproteins is challenging due to the difficulties in glycoprotein isolation and low sample abundance. Here, we describe how ion mobility mass spectrometry can be used to obtain spectra from virion samples. We also describe how negative ion fragmentation of glycans can be used to probe structural features of virion glycans.

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