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Studies / CAVD 391


Study information

Grant Affiliation:Gallo: FLSC Phase I & II Clinical Trials
Strategy:Combo: Protein & vector vaccines
Study Type:Pre-Clinical NHP
Species:Rhesus macaque
Stage:Assays Completed
Study Start Date:2012-11-01
Study Made Public:2015-02-03


Challenge Study to evaluate an effective preventative HIV vaccine and booster regimen


CAVD 391 is a non-human primate challenge study of a prime/boost regimen using an ALVAC-HIV viral vector (vCP1521), rhFLSC protein, and adjuvant.


rhFLSC Protein ALVAC (vCP1521) GLA-SE (IDRI-EM005) SHIV162p3 Placebo ALVAC

Integrated data

No integrated data is available for this study.

Non-integrated data

No non-integrated data is available for this study.