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Studies / CAVD 463


Study information

Grant Affiliation:Hu: Unmasking Conserved Epitopes
Strategy:Combo: DNA, protein & vector vaccines
Study Type:Pre-Clinical NHP
Species:Rhesus macaque
Stage:Assays Completed
Study Start Date:2014-10-23
Study Made Public:2019-03-15


NHP Immunogenicity Study of CD4i Env (MX2)


CAVD 463 (MX2) is a non-human primate study to determine whether CD4-independent Envelopes [CD4i 89.6 (i.e i89.6 A2) and CD4i 89.6 N7 (i.e. i89.6 N7 D4T)] are more immunogenic than their parental counterparts [89.6 WT and 89.6 N7, respectively].